What does the website aim to achieve?
The website is intended to provide patient information, emergency assistance and to present the practice teams.
Who is the target group?
The target group includes patients and new patients of the practice.
How is the website designed for this?
Presentation of professional expertise
Choosing a doctor is a personal decision. That's why people take centre stage when it comes to choosing a new medical practice. In addition to the personal aspects, the focus of the practice and the qualifications of the team take centre stage in the company presentation.
Acquisition of new clients
The focus of the website is on the appealing presentation of the practice and its service areas in paediatrics, neuropaediatrics and TCM.
User guidance and technical framework
All relevant information is immediately visible at the top of the homepage. Appointment bookings and emergency information are immediately accessible via jump labels without having to load another page. All service areas are described in detail on separate, themed pages. This gives visitors an overview of all service areas at a glance and allows them to explore the areas of interest to them in detail.