Blog SEO Administration Webshops

Background photo | Christopher Gower on Unsplash
Portrait Photo | Ania Lewandowska

Claus Pescha - Webdesigner - Webdeveloper

We develop professional websites for companies

For SMEs, tradespeople, freelancers, lawyers, doctors, start-ups and event organisers.

Websites and web shops in your corporate design

Fast, secure and easy to admin.

SEO + PageSpeed - optimisation for your WordPress website

Be found quickly by your customers.

WordPress administration - from updates to content editing

In contact with your customers and always up to date.

Audit of your existing website - performance + data protection

Securely fulfil data protection, web standards and web vitals.

Claus Pescha Web designer Web developer

Claus Pescha web developer web designer

Have your website created professionally

Claus Pescha has been developing high-quality websites for companies for more than 15 years, always using the leading content management system (CMS) WordPress. He specialises in the design and programming of websites that fit perfectly into the corporate design of companies. His goal: to present his customers on the Internet in the best possible way and thus increase their success.

Claus Pescha in an interview "How I work as a web developer"

  • Do you want a first-class website in a short space of time?
    • This is exactly what I specialise in. I use state-of-the-art web technology to realise your project - based on the market-leading CMS WordPress, a first-class professional theme and carefully selected plugins.
  • Would you like to improve the technical, structural or content-related aspects of your existing website?
    • I will carry out a comprehensive website audit for you and show you potential for technical, structural and content optimisation. These improvements will make your website faster, data protection-compliant and smoothly functioning - and offer your visitors clear added value.
  • Concentrate on your core business! - We take care of your website!
    • From regular maintenance and updates to content editing, we take care of the continuous support and further development of your website so that you have time for the essentials.

Development of websites & webshops

How I work in web development

After our initial consultation, you will receive an offer tailored to your individual requirements in terms of design, technology and the scope of your content. If we decide to realise your web project together, a detailed project discussion will follow.

Based on your corporate design and the information from the project meeting, I create a functional design draft that you can view as an online testable development page. During the course of development, you will have continuous access to this page so that we can coordinate all further steps together in an ongoing dialogue until completion.

Your new website is created using the WordPress content management system and is fully responsive for all common screen sizes and mobile optimised.

We use GeneratePress as our theme, which is characterised by its speed, light weight and stability. It enables a flexible web design that can be easily adapted to your growing corporate design and requirements. GeneratePress has been one of the fastest and best-maintained WordPress themes on the market for years, so you will be well equipped for the future.

As soon as your new website is online and you want to take the next step in its development, we start with search engine optimisation (SEO). During ongoing operation, we update and optimise your content as required to constantly improve the visibility of your website.

By the way: Even if you start with a one-pager, you will receive a fully-fledged WordPress website that can be expanded at any time or developed into a blog or online shop.

Photo | Africa Studio on AdobeStock

Your web project

Questions for our project discussion

In our first project meeting, we will discuss and answer the following questions about your web project:

  • Goals, target groups and competitors
    • What do you want to achieve with your website?
    • Who do you want to address?
    • What do you want to convey to your target group?
    • Who are your competitors?
  • Information, products, services
    • What content would you like to present and in what order?
    • Which core message should the reader grasp at first glance and keep in mind?
  • Design
    • How do you want the design of your website to look?
    • What colours do you associate with yourself and your company (corporate design)?
    • Which fonts and logo define your corporate design?
    • Which photos and images do you need, e.g. portrait, practice, workshop, team?
    • Do you already have examples that you like?
  • Technology and infrastructure
    • What is your web address?
    • Where is your website hosted?
    • Do you have the access data?
  • Content provider and contact person
    • Who should be involved in the development and design of your new website?
    • Who is my contact person during the development phase?
    • Who looks after the website during operation and needs to be trained?
    • Where should our first meeting take place, at your premises or online?

For a first Content concept Your own Company presentation you will find instructions and a checklist with helpful questions here:

Checklist - Company presentation on your website

What do you want to achieve?

The value of your website

Your website is a central component of your company's external image. It reflects your individual style and provides the space you need to present your company. On your website, you have full control over your presentation and can customise or expand it at any time.

Your website guides visitors through an appealing design, user-friendly functions and relevant content - from the first impression to making contact. The quality of your website is crucial in the digital space: it determines whether you successfully attract new customers or whether potential opportunities remain untapped.

As a daily tool for the successful presentation of your company, your website is indispensable. The cost of a company website is not only measured by the production price. The ongoing costs for managing, updating and optimising the content are also crucial, as this is the only way to ensure that your website remains an effective business card for your company.

However, the actual value for your company depends largely on how you use your website on a daily basis.

Your website is full of potential

Use your website actively!

Work actively with your website

Present your content in a thematically comprehensive way and update and expand it continuously. In this way, you can offer your prospects and customers maximum added value, which will also be reflected in a better ranking and higher visibility in search engines.

Convince your visitors

Inspire your prospects and win them as customers - with a website that is easy to find and presents your company in the best possible way. A website that is intuitive to use on all screen sizes, offers your visitors valuable content and is fun to navigate through!

My expertise for your successful web presence

With my many years of experience, I am at your side throughout the entire development phase as well as in the subsequent operation of your website.

What are you waiting for? Let us start your web project!

Claus Pescha -

Services for websites in ongoing operation

Is your website running on WordPress? Would you like to make changes to your website and need professional support from an expert?

Whether design or functional changes, loading time optimisation, SEO or data protection for websites - I know my way around. In addition to the development of new websites, I offer my customers all services related to their WordPress website.

WordPress service for companies -
Photo | MILKOVI on Unsplash

Expansion of your web presence

Your WooCommerce online shop

You want to sell your products online or serve your customers with your own shop. I will develop your WordPress website with a WooCommerce shop system in your corporate design so that you can get started right away.

Your online shop offers you all the options for selling goods and services online and accepting payments: from mail-order goods and services to appointments, events and ticket sales.

Your own online shop

Optimisation of your website

Website Check PageSpeed

To ensure that your website loads crisply and quickly and that visitors don't have to endure a test of patience, I check your site for "speed bumps", identify solutions and implement them.

Load time optimisation of your website

Data protection compliant

Website check data protection

To ensure that your website complies with data protection regulations, I will provide you with a legally compliant website with a privacy policy from eRecht24.

Data protection check of your website

Operating internationally

WordPress multilingual

Would you like to display your website for your international visitors and customers in their language? Do you want to be able to switch languages for every page with a single click? I integrate the technical language switch into your WordPress website. 

WordPress multilingual

Your website reliable and up-to-date

WordPress Administration

We look after your website during operation - from regular updates with functional checks to complete editorial administration, everything is possible. Your website runs smoothly, is always up to date and you can concentrate fully on your core business.

Update administration WordPress

Use your internet presence effectively

Website audit

You already have a WordPress website and would like to integrate it more strongly into your marketing and increase your visibility on the web. What exactly is possible and what are the costs involved?

How to use your existing website more effectively

Tips for your website

Article in the blog

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