WordPress administration of your website

WordPress Update Administration

What do you need to do to ensure that your website runs reliably and is secure?

To ensure that WordPress and your WooCommerce shop or appointment booking system are secure and fast in the long term, they need ongoing care and maintenance: regular updates for WordPress, plugins and themes make security adjustments, fix bugs and expand the range of functions.

I take over the update administration of WordPress, WooCommerce, theme and plugins for you.

WordPress Update Administration (technical administration) on a subscription basis for your WordPress website. The subscription is billed annually in advance and can be cancelled at any time at the end of the month.

Regular updates are essential

WordPress is one of the world's most popular content management systems (CMS). However, this popularity also makes it a favourite target for hackers and cyber criminals. One of the main causes of hacked websites is outdated software components. Regular updates are therefore essential to close security gaps and ensure the integrity of your website.

In addition to security aspects, updates also ensure that your website functions smoothly. WordPress itself and the installed plugins and themes are continuously improved. These improvements can include bug fixes, performance optimisations and new functions. By keeping your website up to date, you ensure that it runs optimally and utilises all new functions.

Advantages of professional update administration


One of the most important benefits of regular updates is the improvement in security. Security vulnerabilities in WordPress, plugins or themes can be exploited by hackers to compromise your website. Professional update administration ensures that all components of your website always receive the latest security patches. This minimises the risk of falling victim to a cyber attack.

2. Performance

Regular updates not only keep your website secure, but also fast and efficient. Developers are constantly improving the code to reduce loading times and improve overall performance. A fast website not only improves the user experience, but can also have a positive impact on your search engine ranking.

3. Compatibility

The system requirements and compatibility of the various components can also change with every update. A professional update service ensures that all plugins and themes continue to work perfectly after an update. This prevents your website from suddenly malfunctioning or certain functions from failing after an update.

4. New functions

Updates often bring new functions and improvements that can benefit you and your users. Whether new customisation options in the theme, additional features in plugins or general improvements in the WordPress core - regular updates ensure that your website always remains at the cutting edge of technology.

5. Time saving

Managing and performing updates can be time-consuming, especially when unexpected problems occur. By leaving update administration to an expert, you save valuable time that you can invest in your core business. A professional can quickly identify and solve potential problems before they become major challenges.

6. Backup management

Before every update, a complete backup of your website should be created so that you can restore the previous version in the event of an error. Professional update administrators carry out regular backups and ensure that your data is safe. Should something go wrong, you can quickly and easily revert to a working version of your website.


Regular and expert update administration is crucial for the security, performance and functionality of your WordPress website. Professional maintenance ensures that your website is always up to date and running optimally. This reduces the risk of security incidents, improves the user experience and saves you valuable time.

I take care of the complete update administration for your WordPress website, including WooCommerce, theme and plugins. With my service, your website remains secure, fast and functional while you focus on your core business.

The update administration can be customised at any time to include the complete editorial administration of your website.

Rely on professional update administration and ensure the long-term security and performance of your WordPress website.


The WordPress update administration includes

  • Weekly installation of all current updates on the website for
    • WordPress, theme and plugins and
    • WooCommerce and associated plugins, if applicable
    • Appointment booking system, if applicable
  • Check for correct function after updates
  • Any work required to rectify errors caused by updates will be invoiced separately at cost
  • Excluding the annual licence fees for theme and plugins
  • Invoicing annually in advance
  • Subscription can be cancelled at any time at the end of the month, pro rata costs will be refunded
  • externally provided projects require an initial inspection, which is charged separately


  • technical
    • WordPress administration access
    • FTP access server
  • Data protection law
    • Conclusion of AV contract